
Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Public Perception Managment in Civil Services Governance

Civil Services and Governance is the backbone of any Country. Its very dynamic and all-encompassing areas which needs to be more humanistic rather than weberian.

In the current era when the talks of democratic ethos and Good Governance are going on the Role of attitude and Social Persuasion cannot be neglected as the administration is considered to be agent of Social Change and economic transformation
In this context the Perception and Attitude of People and the Bureaucrats holds prominent place which needs to be managed and planned. The Public Perception Management can be dealt amongst three categories that is

1.       -People's perception towards Administration
2.       -Administration's attitude towards people.
3.       -Reconciling of Public and Administration

 People's perception towards Administration

If we talk of People's perception then in a State which has come into existence after a Social Contract where both the Government and People have reciprocative role to play, the perception and ethos part holds important place. People will respect to administration when it responds to the aspirations of people. When the Vast Majority of people is still illiterate and already have a lot on their plate ; to urge public to participate actively in the process of development is a challenge.
The unfortunate truth is that the citizens hold the bureaucracy in low esteem and lacks mutual understanding and the following terms have become very common which are- redtapism, lack of communication, evasion of responsibility, indifferent attitude.
The public feel that bureaucrats are too much rule minded and totally devoid of any human considerations and right contacts and political pulls are required

Administration's Attitude towards people
The Indian bureaucracy which comes from a middle class , while in service they deal with rural masses who are illiterate and poor thus a wide cultural gap. The administration finds the masses disinterested in development process, unaware of their rights, pessimistic of bureaucratic assistance, non-cooperating. Even sometimes bureaucracy complaints of political pressure by the people which hamper honest and working.

Reconciliation and the way forward
In the light of this divergent view hold by both party what needs to be done? Can the relationship improve. Yes, through a multipronged approach; Developing linkages between Citizen and administration (Mohalla Sabha),Creating an agency of Public Relations and Perception Management(involve people),  direct participation and voluntary governance, fieldvisits, tours and night halt by the bureaucrats in rural areas.
The attitude and perception of people towards governance and bureaucracy needs to be changed which will only come if such kind of ecosystem can be developed where citizen and bureaucracy can work in tandem. People have to feel as a part of bigger wheel of governance and ask for their rights, make themselves aware, convey their problem on social Platform. A proper methodology and institution can be developed to develop a way so as to decide how to finalise such reforms.
By doing all these this grim scenario can be changed. We have to move from Good Governance to ethical Governance and proactive participation of people. Such linkages and Policy Planning needs to be developed. When Swatch Bharat Campaign can be built up to such a level by wide campaigning and populism then the Public Perception Management can also be pursued as a Mission mode to strike the right chords and help Governance Improve.

Friday, 25 March 2016

OxyMoronic Existence

I randomly came across a set of oxymoronic prose of shakespeare.
One case where many oxymorons are strung together can be found in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo declares:
O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!

What it makes MEEE feel--

Here it Goes-

This makes me think of Life which itself has its oxymoronic occurences.
What looks like a failure today gives way to success in the future.You may fall flat on ur face confronting chaotic situations.But then there comes peace in Chaos(#Oxymoron)

This peace which is just a beginning arises a pattern .Then we start making amendments in our life so that we can convert the chaos in to a set of new normal.So the abnormal becomes normal(Next OXymoron).

See the analogy.This can go on. The set of Oxymorons defining the life when the one fine day you become wise enough to see the past life as only various cogs in the bigger wheel as manufactured by a super power mastermind.

Then comes the final oxymoron ; Your existence slowly slowly makes way to your non existence and the Life meets its counterpart i.e Death only to start the new journey again in some new Universe new energy, new avatar.(Taking the liberty of being Abstract cosmologist :P)


Wednesday, 23 March 2016

यहां तो बस इंसान ही इंसान बनते हैं (#Poetry Series)

पल  पल  तरसे  थे  उस  पल  के  लिए ,
मगर  यह  पल  आया  भी  तो  कुछ  पल  के  लिए  ,
सोचा  था  उसे  ज़िन्दगी  का  एक  हसीं  पल  बना  लेंगे  ,
पर  वो  पल  रुका  भी  तो  बस  एक  पल  के  लिए

हर  पल  पे  तेरा   ही  नाम  होगा ,
तेरे  हर  कदम  पे  दुनिआ  का  सलाम  होगा
मुशिकिलो  का  सामना  हिम्मत  से  करना ,
देखना  एक  दिन  वक़्त  भी  तेरा  गुलाम  होगा

कहीं   पर  धरम  बनते  हैं , कहीं  पर  इमां  बनते  हैं ,
कहीं  पर  हिन्दू ,सिख ,ईसाई 
तो  कहीं  मुसलमान  बनते  हैं ,
हमारी  महफ़िल  मैं  आकर  देख  ऐ  "साकी " 
यहां तो बस  इंसान  ही  इंसान बनते  हैं .

नज़र  को  बदलो  तो  नज़ारे  बदल  जाते  है ,
सोच  को  बदलो  तो  सितारे  बदल  जाते  है ,
कश्तियाँ  बदलने  की  जरुरत  नहीं ,
दिशा  को  बदलो  तो  किनारे   बदल  जाते  है .

५ .
शाम  सूरज  को   ढालना  सिखाती   है ,
शमा  परवाने  को  जलना  सिखाती  है

गिरने  वाले  को  होती  तो  है  तकलीफ ,
पर  ठोकर  इंसान  को  चलना  सिखाती  है

पूरा आस्मां अभी बाकी है . (Motivational Poetry Series)

ज़िन्दगी की असली उड़ान अभी बाकी है
हमारे इरादो का इम्तिहान अभी बाकी है.

अभी तो नापी है कुछ मुट्ठी भर ज़मीन
सामने पूरा आस्मां अभी बाकी है . 

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Aarambh Hai Prachand(#Motivational Poetry Series)

खूनी हस्‍ताक्षर ( Khooni Hastakshar) - गोपालप्रसाद व्यास (Gopalprasad Vyas) (Motivational Poetry Series)

वह खून कहो किस मतलब का

जिसमें उबाल का नाम नहीं।
वह खून कहो किस मतलब का
आ सके देश के काम नहीं।

वह खून कहो किस मतलब का
जिसमें जीवन, न रवानी है!
जो परवश होकर बहता है,
वह खून नहीं, पानी है!

उस दिन लोगों ने सही-सही
खून की कीमत पहचानी थी।
जिस दिन सुभाष ने बर्मा में
मॉंगी उनसे कुरबानी थी।

बोले, "स्वतंत्रता की खातिर
बलिदान तुम्हें करना होगा।
तुम बहुत जी चुके जग में,
लेकिन आगे मरना होगा।

आज़ादी के चरणें में जो,
जयमाल चढ़ाई जाएगी।
वह सुनो, तुम्हारे शीशों के
फूलों से गूँथी जाएगी।

आजादी का संग्राम कहीं
पैसे पर खेला जाता है?
यह शीश कटाने का सौदा
नंगे सर झेला जाता है"

यूँ कहते-कहते वक्ता की
आंखों में खून उतर आया!
मुख रक्त-वर्ण हो दमक उठा
दमकी उनकी रक्तिम काया!

आजानु-बाहु ऊँची करके,
वे बोले, "रक्त मुझे देना।
इसके बदले भारत की
आज़ादी तुम मुझसे लेना।"

हो गई सभा में उथल-पुथल,
सीने में दिल न समाते थे।
स्वर इनकलाब के नारों के
कोसों तक छाए जाते थे।

“हम देंगे-देंगे खून”
शब्द बस यही सुनाई देते थे।
रण में जाने को युवक खड़े
तैयार दिखाई देते थे।

बोले सुभाष, "इस तरह नहीं,
बातों से मतलब सरता है।
लो, यह कागज़, है कौन यहॉं
आकर हस्ताक्षर करता है?

इसको भरनेवाले जन को
सर्वस्व-समर्पण काना है।
अपना तन-मन-धन-जन-जीवन
माता को अर्पण करना है।

पर यह साधारण पत्र नहीं,
आज़ादी का परवाना है।
इस पर तुमको अपने तन का
कुछ उज्जवल रक्त गिराना है!

वह आगे आए जिसके तन में
खून भारतीय बहता हो।
वह आगे आए जो अपने को
हिंदुस्तानी कहता हो!

वह आगे आए, जो इस पर
खूनी हस्ताक्षर करता हो!
मैं कफ़न बढ़ाता हूँ, आए
जो इसको हँसकर लेता हो!"

सारी जनता हुंकार उठी-
हम आते हैं, हम आते हैं!
माता के चरणों में यह लो,
हम अपना रक्त चढाते हैं!

साहस से बढ़े युबक उस दिन,
देखा, बढ़ते ही आते थे!
चाकू-छुरी कटारियों से,
वे अपना रक्त गिराते थे!

फिर उस रक्त की स्याही में,
वे अपनी कलम डुबाते थे!
आज़ादी के परवाने पर
हस्ताक्षर करते जाते थे!

उस दिन तारों ने देखा था
हिंदुस्तानी विश्वास नया।
जब लिक्खा महा रणवीरों ने
ख़ूँ से अपना इतिहास नया।

Sinhasan khali karo ki janta aati hai (Jantantra ka Janm--Ramdhari singh Dinkar)

Koshis karne walo ki haar nahi hoti #Motivational Poetry (Series...)

लहरों से डर कर नौका पार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

नन्हीं चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती है।
मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना, गिरकर चढ़ना न अखरता है।
आख़िर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

डुबकियां सिंधु में गोताखोर लगाता है,
जा जा कर खाली हाथ लौटकर आता है।
मिलते नहीं सहज ही मोती गहरे पानी में,
बढ़ता दुगना उत्साह इसी हैरानी में।
मुट्ठी उसकी खाली हर बार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

असफलता एक चुनौती है, इसे स्वीकार करो,
क्या कमी रह गई, देखो और सुधार करो।
जब तक न सफल हो, नींद चैन को त्यागो तुम,
संघर्ष का मैदान छोड़ कर मत भागो तुम।
कुछ किये बिना ही जय जय कार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

--हरिवंशराय बच्चन

Sunday, 28 June 2015

My Interview Transcript

Hobby—Teaching and Blogging

Board—Manbir Singh
Duration-35 mins
Members-5(Including Chairperson)

I was second in the Morning session.It was my first Mains and first Interview.I was nervous but confident at the same time.
As I entered Chair was very close to table(Must be the previous guy who moved it super close).But huh! I got the chance to show my mannerisms :D

I asked …May I sit Sir!!
Chairperson(Here onwards CP) asked Please take the seat.

CP:Asked Qn about my job profile at Hindustan Aeronautics.
Ans-Explained the same

CP:Whats the prob wit LCA Tejas
Ans-explained the same

CP:Problem in Aeronautics Industry as whole and the solutions

Some more qns but I cant remember
Then there was Lady Member(M1 here onwards)

M1-Qns on Teaching (my Hobby)
M1-Would u like to teach in universities.
M1-Koraput,Orissa based qns---Tribal and transport problems.How to improve.
Mam was really cordial and energetic .It went well with her.

Then the baton passes to M2
M2:National Disaster Management Infrastructure in India
M2:Aluminium production and why we r not able to produce high grade alloys for aircrafts(My branch related)
M2:What are your strengths
M2:Explain moral integrity through and example if u r posted as DC.
Answered the same
There were more counter qns cant remember.

Baton passes to M3:
This guy was grinning all the time and had a 4 inch wide smirk on his face.I felt doomed.He is goin to destroy me.
The same happened He was the villain of my Interview
But since I knew beforehand that this kind of situation will come.I maintained a bigger smile a 4+ inch one.
M3-Why did u leave IIT when had to come here.
M3-Why did u take IIT in the first place.
M3-You have wasted one seat.
M3-Now u have left HAL
M3-How do we know you wont leave Civil Services.
M3-Explain me why are u coming to civil services.(grilled me here.But still justified)
M3-Then in Last he asked about Tribal Mainstreming in Development Whats your stand.

I answered all his questions.I was like bring it on .I can take all. But he was looking diplomatic So cant say wether he was fully satisfied or not
Then the baton passes to M4

M4-What is Blue revolution
M4-Who accreditates Agricultural Universities
M4-What are Multilateral Aid Institutions
M4-What are problems wid IMF
M4-What is Power of purse.
M4-What is India’s stand
Answered all

Over all the Interview was good.My interview duration was longest amongs my 6 interviewee colleagues.May be I was second and they were all warmed up to grill.

But I feel I survived.Answered all qns.Maintained smile all time.Manbir,M1,M2,M4 looked satisfied.
This M3 guy I will never forget.He was a total villain(:P) .But handled him.Answed all of his qns

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Middle East Problems

So what all are the problems in the Middle East - Islamic Extremism, Political Turnover, Oil Price fluctuations, age old sectarian tensions, Yemen in political shambles, Egypt witnessing human rights crisis, Syria still at war, Turkey facing the impact of that war at it's border. So overall, chaos!

Lets have some quick pointers on some of the major places there....

We have already covered this under a separate article, Click Me!

Saudi Arabia
There has been this coronation of the new King recently but he has apparently shown signs of continuing with the same old patterns.
The events in Yemen has attracted the wrath of Saudi Forces as well due to the sectarian connections.
The big roll back of oil prices has had a huge impact on the Saudi Economy.

Upheaval began in 2011. The govt. responded heavily and since then the turmoil is on.
It since then has become a full-fledged civil war.
A large number of people have died and there are more than a million refugees.
Thing is there is no one United Opposition against the govt. forces.
Plus there are various other outfits like Al-Nusra, ISIS that are looking to take some advantage of this vulnerable condition in Syria.
Neighboring nations like Turkey and Jordon are facing the problem of refugees big time.

Iraq had been at war with Iran, then the Gulf war and then the US invasion. But the scariest of them all is happening now, ISIS.
It has been far more influential than other outfits as it has made wide usage of the electronic media.
It has been constantly spreading videos of mutilation and assassinations.
It has now control over various oil fields in Iraq and the city of Mosul.

Post the Islamic revolution, things have been more or less politically stable.
Always maintained a hard line stance against Israel.
The issue of their Nuclear Program is still in shambles.

Hamas and Fateh are still battling it out but lately it has been relatively quiet.
Meanwhile PM Benjamin Netanyahu is contending to stay in office in the upcoming elections.

Now lets deal with the most important one perhaps.

ISIS THE terrorist group Islamic State of Syria and Levanant(ISIS) has managed to attract Islamist fighters not just from the middle east but all across the world.The leader of the group is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and controls the landmass greater than United Kingdom. He was recently critically wounded and ISIS have further strengthened their resolve to avenge this loss.These events changed the equations in the middle east.

 (1) Political instability in this region.(no legitimate authority in this /rule of law)
 (2) sectarian violence increased(between Shia and Sunni) .
 (3) capture and control over oil resources of this region.( may lead to energy crisis in the world)
  (4) spread of terrorist activities across the world.
 (5) violation of human rights by committing atrocities and human massacre .(due to civil war)
(6) Spread of extremist and radical Islamist ideology across the world( threat to 'secular' fabric of many countries)

(1) Energy security of india (indias near about 80% oil comes from this region)
(2) India's 7 million diaspora spread in this middle east region.
(3) spread of radical ideology in India because some youths (ARIF EJAJ MAJEED) from kalyan joined ISIS in IRAQ(The ISIS has highlighted  INDIA as a target in its grand plans)
(4) May be increase in the terrorist activities (Organisations like SIMI joined hands with ISIS ,according NIA REPORT ,more than 300 INDIAN youths had been recruited by the tehreek -e -taliban pakistan and the ISIS which works together)
(5)  Propaganda videos calling for fighters with subtitles in languages such as tamil,telugu,and other languages.
(6) local agencies have a vast region to cover both geographically and population wise to gather information to know as to whether INDIANS have actually gone and joined ISIS in any capacity.(no data available)
(7) The possibility of returning jihadist poses a grave challenge for the indian security establishment.

(1) Increase crude oil reserve capacity from 90 days to 180 days
(2)India has strategic ties with Riyadh (SAUDI ARABIA) and DOHA (QUATAR).so  India has established a solid intelligence relationship for gathering intelligence and information to tackle the issue of jihadist who have fought for the ISIS and are  now trying to return home.
(3) the fact remains that the number of indians involved in global jihad is negligible.(according to international centre for the study of radicalisation and political violence (ICSR) and America.s CIA very few people joined from SOUTH ASIA)
(4) Indian muslim scholars have come together to condemn ISIS and the recent announcement by al qaeda chief ayman al zawahiri that al qaeda is setting up "branch" in India was widely ridiculed ,with many calling it a PR stunt to counter the global attention that the ISIS is getting.
(5) even Indian PM said that "if anyone thinks that Indian muslims will dance to their tunes ,they are delusional "
(6) shoring up intellegince efforts with its GULF allies
(7) legally ban such radical groups as countries such as INDONESIA AND GERMANY have done.

Kudos to
Shri Swapnil Tembe and Yogesh Unde
for coming up with this

Bureaucracy and Political Apathy

I am publishing this post after I have seen some systematic flaws down the line towards the people.
Bureaucracy or Permanent Executives are their in India to aid , advise and assist the Political Representatives.In a democratic system the Ministers,MPs,MLAs represent the popular choice as they bring the popular mandate and aspirations with them.But often we have heard about this debate of Generalist vs Specialist where both professions take pride in themselves and undermine the other side.Taking pride in your profession is good but it should convert in to egotic roller coaster ride.

Bureaucrats are supposed to work at the ground level and implement the policies as made by the legislaters and executives.But the responsiblity also comes with limitations.Because at the ground level many a times it happen that the civil servant have to depart from the regular course and take a call out of his own discretion.I remeber a case here.In a district in the Chambal region a policy was devised to handle the problem of dacoity. As a solution to the problem of dacoits in this region the government announced a scheme which provided a Rehabilitation package to all the dreaded dacoits if they surrender to the Police.The policy actually worked and lot many surrendered.But there was a peculiar case where that dacoit had not killed a single civilian.He told the Police that he had become a dacoit to take wealth from the rich and give it to the poor.But he had never killed anyone in those 10 years of dacoity. Interestingly, the concerned D.G of Police could not accept his surrender and he wasn't given the rehabilitation package.The reason- that package was specially for dreaded dacoits i.e those who have killed at least 10 persons. The D.G said " Though I understand the flawed policy, but my hands are tied". So was that dacoit supposed to go back and kill 10 persons to entitle himself the rehabilitation package?

There have been cases like this in many other areas where the bureaucrats are supposed to only follow the rules and not to get departed otherwise you get derailed(#smirk).What we need is to come up with a system where both bureaucrats and MPs/MLAs work in tandem with some give n take in their discretionary powers to ultimatel serve the populace better.Civil Societies have worked in this area to represent the problem of the concerned areas but to bring out the solution some changes are needed.We need not become the blind implementors but integral,proactive and empathetic action is needed from both parties.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Recent Appointments in India

Recent Appointments in India

Foreign Secretary
§  Subrahmanyam Jaishankar took over as foreign secretary
§  Replaces Sujatha Singh

New Governers
§  KK Paul - Uttarakhand’s new governor.
§  Aziz Qureshi - 15th Governor of Mizoram

§  Kalyan Singh - took oath as Governor of Himachal Pradesh
§  K K Paul - sworn in as sixth Governor of Uttarakhand

§  National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog.
§  Chairman Narendra Modi
§  Vice Chairman: Free market  economist Arvind Panagariya
§  CEO: Ms.  Sindhushree Khullar (IAS)
§  Fulltime Members: Economist Bibek Debroy and former DRDO Chief V K Saraswat.

Air India

§  CMD Rohit Nandan (10 months extension)

§  Chief Avinash Chander asked to step down.
§  Defense Secretary RK Mathur is holding the charge of DRDO (30-Jan-2015).


§  Anupam Shrivastava became new CMD

§  Hari Shankar Brahma, became the 19th Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India. He is an Assamese IAS officer from Andhra Pradesh cadre.
§  He replaced V S Sampath

Censor Board
§  Pahlaj Nihalani became new chief
§  Leela Samson resigned after her decision against Dera Sachcha Sauda chief Gurmit Ram Rahim’s movie “Messanger of God” (MSG) was overturned by the appellate board.
Prasar Bharati
§  Chairman Arkalgud Suryaprakash
§  A.S.Kiran Kumar replaced K.Radhakrishnan as the new ISRO Chief.
TCA Anant
§  Chief statistician of India.
Railway board
§  New chairman A.K. Mittal.

Read more:

Monday, 12 January 2015

Multinational Bank Slogans/ Punchlines(For IBPS and RBI exams)

 Bank Name
Slogan/Punch line
CITI Bank  
Let’s get it done
Standard Chartered Bank
Your Right Partner 
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Key Economy Terms(High frequency)

Some Key Financial Terms for Various Exams

APR: It stands for Annual Percentage Rate. APR is a percentage that is calculated on the basis of the amount financed, the finance charges, and the term of the loan.

ABS: Asset-Backed Securities. It means a type of security that is backed by a pool of bank loans, leases, and other assets.

EPS: Earnings Per Share means the amount of annual earnings available to common stockholders as stated on a per share basis.

Financial Administration: Monetary and fiscal policies; Public borrowings and public debt; Budgets - types and forms; Budgetary process; Financial accountability; Accounts and audit.



As per the definition given by the USA Census department, Financial Administration involves all the activities of finance and taxation. Includes central agencies for accounting, auditing, and budgeting; the supervision of local government finances; tax administration; collection, custody, and disbursement of funds; administration of employee-retirement systems; debt and investment administration; and the like.
So,in simple words Financial Administration  involves :
- all the functions /operations which aim at making funds and finance available for administrative activities of  the government
--all those activities which ensure the lawful and efficient use of the funds/finance.

Actors in Financial Administration:
And these functions are collectively performed by the Executive(asks for funds),Legislature(that has the sole power to grant those funds),Finance Ministry(controls those funds) and the Auditor(to audit whether the funds were used for what they were demanded).

The steps involved in Financial administration are
1-Preparation of the budget for the ensuing financial year
2-Getting it passed by the legislature
3-Executing the budget and collecting the funds for it
4-Managing those funds via the treasury
5-the audit of the Centre and State executive accounts by the Audit authority.

So one can understand the importance of Financial Administration in its element. A balanced and precise financial administration is the base as well as the means to attain successfully all goals of development as well as growth of a country.


Monetary Policy is the process by which monetary authority(an authority that controls all matters relating to money) of a country, generally a central bank controls the supply of money in the economy by exercising its control over interest rates in order to maintain price stability,reduce inflation and achieve high economic growth. A sound monetary policy ensures that various sectors of the economy have sufficient tokens/authority to carry out their transactions. It provides the basis to the fiscal policy and the fiscal policy influences the monetary policy and gives it a direction to proceed in.

Monetary policy helps in keeping the money supply and economy of a nation stable whereas the fiscal policy is more involved in development and infrastructural work and policy making and enactment of budget.