The climatic and land resource conditions in totality which are crucial for the development of agriculture and allied economic conditions of a region.
A saturated geological unit (e.g. sands,gravels, fractured rock) which can yield water to wells at a sufficient rate to support a well.
Artificial Recharge to Groundwater
Artificial Recharge to Groundwater means the process by which groundwater reservoir is augmented at a rate exceeding that under natural condition of replenishment.
Command Area
The area served by a canal system through supply of water for irrigation and other purposes.
Culturable command area
It refers to the culturable land irrigated by a canal system. It is different from gross command area. The later includes all the area served by a canal system including unculturatble.
The climatic and land resource conditions in totality which are crucial for the development of agriculture and allied economic conditions of a region.
A saturated geological unit (e.g. sands,gravels, fractured rock) which can yield water to wells at a sufficient rate to support a well.
Artificial Recharge to Groundwater
Artificial Recharge to Groundwater means the process by which groundwater reservoir is augmented at a rate exceeding that under natural condition of replenishment.
Command Area
The area served by a canal system through supply of water for irrigation and other purposes.
Culturable command area
It refers to the culturable land irrigated by a canal system. It is different from gross command area. The later includes all the area served by a canal system including unculturatble.